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Local Arborists

Treecycle Ltd is a tree care contracting business, owned and operated by Nick Holmes and based in Whananaki, Northland.


Trees are his daily bread and love - from pruning and shaping trees to portable sawmilling and making things from the timber.


Treecycle Ltd employs a team of highly skilled and experienced arborists to provide personal, high quality, professional tree care services.


When not on a tree job, Nick is planting trees on the family 16-acre farm, releasing them, raising more trees and dreaming of the future forest.


As Wendell Berry wrote, 


"We return to the ground its original music". 



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Contact Treecycle Ltd.

Call: 0210 228 2668

RD1 Whananaki, Hikurangi

FB: @treecyclenz

Proud to use NZ made
woodchippers and sawmills 


© Treecycle Ltd 

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